Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

1. HARGA bonsai kawista batu model leanding...
2. HARGA bonsai kawista batu umur 55 tahun model leanding...



Bonsai memang tanaman spesial. Sebab, penggemarnya pun kebanyakan dari kalangan seniman atau elite. Namun saat ini, image kalau bonsai tanaman mahal itu sebaiknya dihapus. Pasalnya, bagi Anda yang tinggal di daerah pun dapat jadi anggota penggemar bonsai, meski tak harus memiliki bonsai.

Kini, hal itu bisa dibuktikan dalam salah satu visi berdirinya Perkumpulan Penggemar Bonsai Indonesia (PPBI). “Dalam sosialisasinya, kiprah PPBI tak hanya ada di pusat, tapi juga membaur ke daerah-daerah. Sebab, masing-masing daerah mempunyai potensi yang harus dikembangkan, sehingga di lain sisi juga sebagai pemberdayaan masyarakat terhadap hasil alam, khususnya tanaman yang potensi untuk bonsai,” kata Ketua PPBI cabang Tuban, Munasir.

Seperti PPBI Tuban yang sudah berdiri dua tahun lalu ini, kehadirannya dapat sambutan hangat dari masyarakat. Terlebih bagi para penggemar tanaman bonsai. Uniknya, masih kata Munasir, dalam PPBI ini hanya mengenal istilah penggemar bonsai. Sebab, makna penggemar ini milik universal, meski anggotanya sebagai kolektor, penghobi ataupun pebisnis. Itu dilakukan untuk men-seragamkan para anggota. Jadi, tak ada kecanggungan satu sama lain.

Selain mengajak masyarakat untuk berperan serta dalam budidaya bonsai, PPBI juga ingin melakukan sosialisasi yang sifatnya lebih mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat. Misalnya, dengan melakukan diskusi ataupun penyuluhan yang berkaitan dengan tanaman bonsai, sehingga secara tak langsung akan menciptakan rasa kekeluargaan.

Sejarah bonsai


Dari Wikipedia Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas berbahasa Indonesia.

Bonsai di "Foire du Valais", Swiss, 2005.
Bonsai di "Foire du Valais", Swiss, 2005.


merupakan salah satu seni pemangkasan tumbuhan atau pohon yang berasal dari Jepang yang bertujuan untuk membiasakan tumbuhan atau pohon tersebut tumbuh dalam keadaan yang kerdil/cebol. Istilah bonsai sendiri berasal dari bahasa Mandarin "pen zai", yang ditandai dengan digunakannya karakter kanji.

Dalam bahasa Jepang,bonsai berarti "tanaman di pot". Biasanya akan berasosiasi dengan sebuah miniatur pohon yang ditanam di dalam pot atau kontainer. Pohon yang di bonsai umumnya berupa pohon berkayu (misalnya pohon beringin, dll) atau pohon buah-buahan dan kadang berupa pohon bunga. Bonsai yang baik dapat diletakkan diluar pekarangan sepanjang tahun.

Effek artistik dari bonsai dilihat dari keseimbangan dalam ukuran batang, daun, ranting bunga atau buah dan pot yang digunakan. Pot yang dipakai haruslah yang mendukung suasana pohon yang ditanam.

Daftar isi


Ukuran Bonsai

Bonsai di "Foire du Valais", Swiss, 2005.
Bonsai di "Foire du Valais", Swiss, 2005.

Ada 4 ukuran bonsai yang biasa dipakai, yaitu miniatur, kecil, sedang, dan rata-rata. Miniatur biasanya berukuran tinggi sekitar 5 cm. Umumnya bonsai miniatur disiapkan dalam waktu sekitar 5 tahun. Bonsai kecil biasanya mempunyai tinggi antara 5 sampai 15 cm dan memerlukan persiapan sekitar 5-10 tahun. Bonsai ukuran sedang mempunyai tinggi antara 15 sampai 30 cm, dan bonsai rata-rata mempunyai tinggi 60 cm dengan waktu perisapan sekitar 3 tahun.

Cara membonsai

Tanaman atau pohon dikerdilkan dengan cara memotong akar dan rantingnya. Pohon dibentuk dengan bantuan kawat pada ranting dan tunasnya. Kawat harus sudah diambil sebelum sempat menggores kulit ranting pohon tersebut.

Sejarah Bonsai

Bonsai pertama kali diperkenalkan di Tiongkok kurang lebih 1000 tahun yang lalu namun kemudian dilanjutkan pengembangannya oleh orang Jepang. Industri bonsai yang cukup besar banyak ditemui di Negara Jepang. Bonsai sekarang menjadi cukup populer termasuk di Indonesia.

Sedangkan kata Bonsai itu diserap dari bahasa Mandarin Pen-Zai (Pen = Pot – Zai = Pohon), sebelumnya dalam bahasa Jepang disebut "Hachi-no-ki" = Pohon di dalam Pot. Tidak bisa dipungkiri, bahwa Bonsai itu sebenarnya berasal dari Tiongkok. Seni mengerdilkan tumbuh-tumbuhan di Tiongkok lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Penjing (Pinyin). Pen = Pot/Wadah/Dulang - Ying = Panorama Alam.

Penjing itu adalah merupakan seni mengerdilkan tanaman dengan mengambil inspirasi dari bentuk panorama alam. Gambar siluet dari panorama alam inilah yang mereka tata dalam sebuah tanaman yang dikerdilkan, hingga tanaman itu berbentuk lukisan alam yang indah dan hidup.

Penjing bisa dibagi dalam tiga kategori: Penjing Pohon (Shumu Penjing), Penjing pemandangan/Alam (Shanshui Penjing), Penjing Air dan Tanah (Shuihan Penjing).

Asal muasalnya dari seni Penjing berdasarkan mitologi; konon ada seorang ahli sihir yang bernama Jiang Feng yang memiliki kemampuan menyihir sehingga apa saja yang disihir olehnya akan menjadi kecil.

Sedangkan He-Nian seorang pujangga ketika jaman Dinasti Yuan telah menulis beberapa puisi mengenai Penjing dan salah satu kalimatnya telah menjadi kredo: "Yang Terkecil menjadi Yang Terbesar"

Seni Penjing sudah dikenal sejak jaman Dinasti Tang, tetapi baru pada saat Dinasti Qin menjadi sangat terkenal dan digandrungi oleh para pejabat tinggi maupun para Bikshu, sehingga setiap tahunnya diadakan lomba seni Penjing.

Konon ketika kerajaan Shuhan terjadi persaingan terselubung antara kanselir Zhuge Liang (Cukat Liang) dengan Liu Bei. Untuk membuktikan tanda kesetiaannya Liu Bei terhadap Cukat Liang dan juga keinginan damainya. Liu Bei menghadiahkan Penjing Pohon buah Pear. Melalui pohon inilah hati sang kanselir akhirnya bisa luluh. Perlu diketahui bahwa Liu Bei juga adalah seorang satrawan maka dari itu Penjing Pohon yang bentuknya lurus seperti pena disebut Wenren Mu (Pohon Para Pujangga) dalam bahasa Jepang disebut Bunjingi.

Bonsai pertama kali diperkenalkan ke umum oleh Jepang pada tahun 1867 ketika Expo Dunia di Paris.

Seni mengerdilkan/pemangkasan tanaman dikembangkan juga oleh para Biksu aliran Tao, karena Penjing ini juga merupakan lambang dari keseimbangan serta keharmonisan manusia dengan alamnya. Dari pemeliharaan seni Penjing mereka bisa mendapatkan secara tidak langsung kepuasan batiniah yang tak ternilai. Para Biksu inilah jugayang membawa seni Penjing ke Jepang yang akhirnya dikembangkan menjadi seni Bonsai.

Diperkirakan seni Penjing ini pertama kali datang ke Jepang antara era Kaisar Kammu (737 - 806) hingga akhirnya masa kejayaan Kerajaan Edo pada kepemimpinan Shogun Dinasti Tokugawa (1603 - 1867). Sedangkan sebagian pihak menganggap Bonsai hadir pada masa Dinasti Kamakura (1185 - 1333). Hal ini terjadi karena adanya bukti otentik berupa lukisan seorang pejabat Shogun Kamakura dengan Bonsai.

Hingga saat ini kita masih bisa menyaksikan Bonsai hidup tertua antara 400 s/d 800 tahun yang menjadi koleksi dari Happo-en di Tokio.

Para penggemar Bonsai pada umumnya beli pohon tidak di Jepang melainkan di China atau di Taiwan sebab disana harganya jauh lebih murah daripada di Jepang yang bisa dua sampai tiga kali lipat lebih mahal. Harga per pohon di Taiwan bisa puluhan juta, kebalikannya di Indonesia orang masih ada yang bersedia bayar ratusan juta Rp untuk bisa mendapatkan satu pohon Bonsai yang bagus.

Bonsai in Indonesia

Bonsai in Indonesia

at Jakarta City Center (JaCC), Jl. Kebon Kacang Raya (Waduk Melati) Belakang Grand Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat - 3-11 Mei 2008

The Indonesian Bonsai Association (PPBI)The Indonesian Bonsai Association (PPBI)
The PPBI was established in Jakarta in 1979 and since then has been growing steadily. It now has over 42 chapters spread throughout the country with more that 2500 members and holds regular member and chapter meetings as well as local and national exhibitions. There are quite a number of plant species that are used for Bonsai in Indonesia. The PPBI also has a Suiseki Division which actively collects and displays local Suiseki.

Perkumpulan Penggemar Bonsai Indonesia (PPBI) Cabang Yogyakarta

Bonsai Centres in Indonesia
Details and information about the main Bonsai growing and selling areas in Indonesia, these include:
Pluit Bonsai Center - Jakarta
Batu, Malang - East Java
Puncak - West Java

Bonsai in BaliBonsai in Bali
You may be surprised to find out that there are Bonsai in Bali and although they may be difficult to find they are well worth the visit. The first step is to find a "bemo" driver who understands exactly what you are looking for. Then trying to locate them is another problem as the streets are seldom named and I don't think they have heard of numbers, but this is part of the fun of it. Most of the nurseries are located in Sanur close to one of the main tourist areas.

Indonesian Bonsai Expo
Promote bonsai as an art form and to help artists and small nurseries to market their bonsai mainly for export orientation. Other objective is to educate bonsai farmers to cultivate bonsai by intensive and productive method. The IBE will be a marketing mediator providing all neccessary facilities including export documentation, quarantine and shipment.

Bonsai Nurseries in Indonesia
List of various bonsai nurseries in the following locations: JAKARTA, TANGERANG - West Java, PUNCAK - West Java, BANDUNG, Central Java, JAMBI - Sumatra

Plant Species used for Bonsai in Indonesia

Suiseki in Indonesia - Indonesian Suiseki AssociationSuiseki in Indonesia - Indonesian Suiseki Association
The Indonesian Suiseki Association or called PPSI was founded in 1992 and besides Jakarta it has several chapters in Indonesia

Indonesian Bonsai Gallery
These Bonsai and Photo's were created by Mr Udaya NH/unh

Soemarko - AkokSoemarko - Akok
Retailer of Suiseki, stones, fossils, gems & handicrafts and is a member of the Retailer of Suiseki, stones, fossils, gems & handicrafts and is a member of the Indonesian Suiseki Association. Office and Show Room: Desa Bojong Nangka, Kecamatan Legok, Kabupaten Tangerang, Propinsi Jawa Barat , Indonesia. Ph: (62-21) 5469275, 54200259, 54200260 Fax: (62-21) 5469276 email: soemarko@suiseki.co.id

Other Indonesian Web Links

Perkumpulan Penggemar Bonsai Indonesia Cabang
Bonsai Club - Manado - North Sulawesi

Bonsai-Kamang - Manado - North SulawesiBonsai-Kamang - Manado - North Sulawesi
Bonsai-Kamang, utilizes plants which are often overlooked by people but which are, in fact, quite common in our area. After we have shaped and trained plants to resemble interesting looking miniature trees, it is a beautiful thing which emerges as a result of our work on these decorative plants. Bonsai-kamang means "A Decorative Plant As A Beautiful Blessing".

Bonsai - Sagu (Sago Palm Bonsai) - Manado North SulawesiBonsai - Sagu (Sago Palm Bonsai) - Manado North Sulawesi
Sago Palm Pohon Sagu (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) adalah salah satu jenis tanaman dari famili Palmae. Masyarakat di Sulawesi Utara sejak dahulu mengenal pohon Sagu dengan sebutan pohon Rumbia. Daun pohon Sagu sering dibentuk dan dimanfaatkan menjadi atap Rumah dan berbagai keperluan lainnya. Tampilan batang pohon Sagu kelihatan unik, besar, tegap dan tingginya bisa mencapai 10 – 20 meter, bahkan lebih.

BONSAI - KLAPA - Manado - North SulawesiBONSAI - KLAPA - Manado - North Sulawesi
Sulawesi utara sejak dulu dikenal dan dijuluki sebagai daerah nyiur melambai. Julukan tersebut tidaklah berlebihan. Jika anda mengunjungi daerah ini, maka kemanapun anda menuju akan menjumpai hamparan pohon kelapa baik yang dikelolah petani, perusahan swasta maupun pemerintah.
Untuk mengenang Sulawesi utara sebagai daerah nyiur melambai maka melalui web ini PPBI Manado menampilkan pohon kelapa yang merupakan salah satu produk andalan pertanian di Sulawesi Utara dalam bentuk mini yang dinamakan Bonsai Kelapa (cocos sp).

Dragon Bonsai TreeDragon Bonsai Tree
The foliage on these trees was wired and shaped as you would any normal Bonsai, and the trees had a deadwood shari area up along the trunk. But to the deadwood area a dragon had been carved and moulded onto this deadwood, and then painted. - read more .....

While not strictly Bonsai, these are sometimes grown as Bonsai and as shaped trees resembling animals and people. Whilst in Indonesia I saw a number of these interestingly shaped plants on display in an exhibition in Bali. Some of these shaped trees can be seen here.

Bonsai Palms of IndonesiaBonsai Palms of Indonesia
About using Palms as Bonsai and as seen often in Indonesia

model leanding

1. harga kawista batu : 500.000
2. harga kawista batu umur 10 tahun : 250.000
3. harga asam jawa umur 55 tahun : 2.500.000

bonsai in Australia

Bonsai in Australia

AABC National Bonsai Conference
Usually held in May each year with a different host club & at a different location within Australia. 2008 Adelaide.

About Bonsai in AustraliaAbout Bonsai in Australia
There are active Bonsai Clubs and enthusiasts in all states throughout Australia, all of which would encourage visitors from overseas and new members. The conditions in most of Australia are ideal for growing Bonsai, (especially Temperate and Tropical species), long hot summers and mild winters, under the right conditions the growth rate that we get is double that of northern hemisphere climates. Because of these conditions indoor Bonsai is almost unheard of in Australia. Watering is critical as hot conditions cause potted plants to dry out quickly and twice daily watering is not uncommon - click link for more

Australian Plants as Bonsai - ASGAP
Australian Plants as Bonsai Study Group was formed in mid 2001. Its main aims are to: Determine which species are grown as bonsai, Determine the horticultural characteristics of each species, Determine the horticultural requirements of each species, Explore the artistic and aesthetic qualities of species, and Publish information to help people grow and enjoy Australian plants as bonsai. The Group operates by gathering and sharing information amongst members. Everyone who grows has grown or wants to grow Australian plants as bonsai can contribute.

The Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs Ltd - AABC LtdThe Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs Ltd - AABC Ltd
The AABC Ltd is one of Australia’s two national Bonsai associations, and accepts as members, individual bonsai clubs from around Australia, provided they have unrestricted membership. Current membership stands at 47 clubs throughout the country. The AABC Ltd is a vehicle for the promotion of Bonsai within the Australian Bonsai community, for the sharing of ideas and techniques, and support its member Clubs.

Bonsai Federation of Australia - BFABonsai Federation of Australia - BFA
The BFA is the other national Bonsai association and is split into two chapters, North (NSW, ACT, Qld, NT) and South (Vic, SA, WA, Tas). Its aims are to promote the education of Bonsai, provide cohesion and co-operation between Bonsai clubs, assist with the establishment of new clubs, promote Bonsai speakers, and increase public awareness and interest in Bonsai. In 1995 the BFA staged the BCI International Convention in Sydney.

Suiseki in AustraliaSuiseki in Australia
Although Suiseki is apreciated by many people throughout Australia there is only 1 national club - Suiseki Australia which usually meets 3rd Wednesday evening of each month at 7.30pm at the Don Moore Centre North Rocks Rd. North Rocks, N.S.W.

Stolen BonsaiStolen Bonsai
Unfortunately a number of Bonsai are stolen from enthusiasts each year, have you seen any of these Stolen Bonsai.

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
This site has all the information and contacts you need if you want to bring into Australia any seeds, plant material or complete Bonsai trees.

Plant Hardiness Zones for Australia
Plant hardiness maps allow producers to label their plants as being suitable for particular areas, and, in theory at least, this results in happy customers who can confidently buy plants that will survive in their locality.

bonsai singapore

Bonsai in Singapore

Singapore Penjing & Stone Appreciation SocietySingapore Penjing & Stone Appreciation Society
Singapore Penjing & Stone Appreciation Society's previous body was the Singapore Bonsai society. It was founded in 1977, with the aim of promoting the art of bonsai and stone appreciation in our smalI island of Singapore. Through exchange between members, locals & foreign enthusiasts help to popularize this Chinese culture. Our clubhouse has a small library and bonsai nursery for our members to use.

Our society's activities include: talks, demonstrations & buying trips for pots, tools and bonsai materials, organize exhibition or competition every 1 or 2 years & publish our magazine, visit or participate in the exhibitions of the nearby foreign countries;
services of bonsai tree consultation and styling design.

President: Mdm Chua Kwei Foon - V. President: Lim Keow Wah
Members Meet in Singapore every Sunday 2 to 6pm at 200 Turf Club Road,Turf City(near Car Park C), Singapore 287994. Tel: 65 97363710

Singapore Garden Festival - 25 July to 1 August 2008Singapore Garden Festival - 25 July to 1 August 2008
The first garden show in the tropics to bring together and showcase creations from the world’s top award-winning garden and floral designers under one roof at the Suntec City Convention Centre. This pre-eminent event has been established as a top international flower and garden show in the tropics, further enhancing Singapore’s reputation as a garden city in the tropics.

Mr Lim Keow Wah's Homepage - Bonsai, Stones, Pots & AntiquesMr Lim Keow Wah's Homepage - Bonsai, Stones, Pots & Antiques
Mr Lim Keow Wah (Lim is my family name) has been practicing this hobby for about 20 years now. He is a member of the Singapore Penjing (Bonsai) & Stone Appreciation Society. I has conducted classes on Bonsai in Tanglin Community Club and done training for the staff of Botanical Gardens of Singapore.

The Yun Xiu Yuan (Garden of Beauty)The Yun Xiu Yuan (Garden of Beauty)
The Yun Xiu Yuan is a Suzhou style penjing garden located on the grounds of the Chinese garden. One of the gardeners said the collection contains over a thousand Bonsai, a figure I can agree with. These are nearly all tropical specimens (Singapore is at 1 degree N latitude and the weather was certainly tropical 30C and humid). The Bonsai on display were from China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. There were many podacarpus and many ficus species (you would go crazy over the aerial roots). The two species I found extremely intriguing were Baeckia frutescenes which looks a lot like a Cedrus libani and Pemphis acidula which has a marvelous small leaf and crusty black and white bark. There was also a near ultimate escape tree a ficus where the roots had gotten out of the pot, down over the stone stand, and into the ground the tree is still well trained. - more

Japanese Gardens of SingaporeJapanese Gardens of Singapore
Opened in 1973 to create a space of beauty in an increasingly crowded Singapore, this 32-acre Japanese-style garden is larger than any on the island of Japan. These picturesque gardens were constructed in the style reminiscent of a period approximately 800 years ago, during which Japanese gardening artistry was at its height. A Zen Buddhist state of peace and simplicity are produced by the quiet and serenity of the gardens. A minimalist attitude is also reflected, with shrubs representing mountains, and with changing views along the broad, landscaped garden paths. The water elements include a small and large pond, over which traditional bridges transport visitors from a guest house on one island, to a summer house on the other. A conspicuous wisteria trellis adorns the southern shore of the small pond.

Gardens of SingaporeGardens of Singapore
Singapore has labeled itself "The Garden City," and has worked hard to live up to its slogan. Although this Asian metropolis is intensely crowded, gardens and parks may be seen throughout the city. These green areas, which contain trees and foliage imported from around the world, soften the edges of the many concrete structures in this tiny but well-populated island. Thanks to Singapore's hot, tropical climate, its garden areas bloom year-round, offering a perpetual spectrum of bright flowers and vibrant greenery. - more

Hua Yi Secondary School - Bonsai Garden
Every Hua Yi student is taught to appreciate Bonsai culture. The 30 year old bonsai garden is in fact the pride of the school and is integrated into the school's character development programme to help students cultivate patience and perseverance.
Located at 60, Jurong West, Street 42, Singapore (649371)

Bonsai on Kusu Island
Kusu means "turtle" and there are several legends surrounding Kusu Island and turtles rescuing shipwrecked sailors. There's a great old temple here (Tua Pekong Temple) that acts as a turtle sanctuary. They also have several gigantic snakes and a fine collection of Bonsai trees. Kusu and St John's are two of the 60 isles that belong to Singapore. There is a ferry that travels around Sentosa Island and 40 minutes later stops at Kusu, then takes 15 minutes to reach St John's before returning to the World Trade Centre.
Taoists make an annual pilgrimage to the Tua Pekong Temple during the ninth lunar month, cramming themselves onto tiny Kusu. (Don't even think of visiting Kusu Island during this, the first visitors are up at the ferry terminals before dawn, they aren't called devotees for nothing)

Ferry information: Singapore Cruise Centre, World Trade Centre (270-3918)
Monday to Saturdays: 2 services - 10 am and 1.30 pm
Sundays and public holidays: 6 services - 9.45 am, 11.15 am, 12.45 pm, 2.15 pm, 3.45 pm and 5.15 pm.

Candy Greenhouse and Flowers Pte Ltd
An area which has nursery plants and nursery items also have some Bonsai. A short walk through this limited area will provide an idea of the quality and species of trees available. The best bonsai nursery was in this area and is part of a business specializing in cut flowers. The bonsai, numbering in the hundreds, are a hobby of the owner. The sizes range from trees taller than a man (six man bonsai) to those which will easily fit into the palm of a hand . The director, Ms. Sharon Goh, is very pleasant and a delight to chat with.
Candy Greenhouse is located at 567 Thomson Road, Singapore 298183; Tel 256-6788 - open 7:30am - 6pm

Bonsai Gallery
Come experience the beauty and art of bonsai at our garden in the heart of Bukit Timah. Our collection of thousands of bonsai encompass over 50 different species from China, Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia.

200 Turf Club Road, P13 Turf City, Singapore 287994
(Garden in front of Seafood Restaurant)
Telephone Number: 67631180 - Fax: 6463 8565

Cheng Tai NurseryCheng Tai Nursery
Here at Chengtai Nursery, we appreciate and understand the ancient art of Bonsai, we have a large range of bonsai in our nursery, therefore no matter whom you are, bonsai beginner or expert, you will be able to find a bonsai that fit your requirements.

Large Bonsai and Pots for sale, they are happy for you to browse and photo Bonsai - ask for Andrew - MRT to Choa Chu Kang then get Bus #175

Useful information about Bonsai in Singapore
More usefull information, shops, nurseries etc - other visitors experiences